One fine day you wake up and realize that someone has actually stolen your identity like all your personal information and information about your financial transactions and have been misusing them. That would surely send you into a state of shock as there is someone out there who is actually impersonating you.
A Bank Identity Theft is the worst thing that can happen to anyone. Once this has happened, it is very difficult to set right the whole thing. It is as good as establishing a new identity.
When a bank identity theft is carried out, you lose everything including your name, your bank accounts, credit and debit cards, your social security number and all your personal information. You will not even be aware of it till you find that all your money has disappeared from your bank accounts. This is why we should not disclose any personal details like name and bank details to unknown people on the internet.
When an unscrupulous internet criminal has stolen your bank identity it is most likely that he or she will end up impersonating you at banks and try to obtain bank loans, make fund transfers, get credit cards using all your personal details, use it to get a Driving licence or a social security card. If your personal information reaches the hands of a terrorist, he or she can even use it to get fake passports in your name. In a bank identity theft there have been cases where the criminals have stolen the personal and bank details from unsuspecting internet users and used all this personal information to avail themselves of loans and credit cards. They have bought lots of products using the credit card information on the internet without the actual credit card holder knowing such transactions are taking place in his or her name. Only when they receive the bank statements and bills do they realise that they have actually not bought anything and that someone else has been using their personal details and bank details and making the purchases. If you are a person who doesn't bother to check the statement of accounts every month, it may be a long time before you actually come to know of it. Bank identity thefts have become very common these days and many people have become weary of providing any details whether it be personal or financial to anyone lest they be stolen and misused. It is important that when you use the internet for your banking purposes that you be very careful and do not on any account divulge any details to any mail soliciting them.